Wednesday, September 10, 2008


In the previous lesson, (29th August 2008), after we finished read a text on Kafka, which is basically a diary about his education, Mr. Edwin had asked us what education mean for us. As for me, education is a process of civilization. This is because from the education, the knowledge that we gain we can use them to develop our won, society and next our own country.

Besides, education for me supposed to be will make someone become a better person in term of intellectual, spirit and emotion. However, I do agree with Mr. Edwin’s opinion that an education is a process of learning. If we said that an education enable ones to gain knowledge, actually it is not consider an education. An education is when ones using the knowledge that what they had learnt.

We can get education from formal or informal education. A formal education is a structure education for instance, the education that we get from school or university. Meanwhile for informal education is an unstructured education for example, the education that we learn from our parents an experience.

When he asked us to list three sources of our education, for the first one I put experiences as my main source of education followed by school and lastly family. I put experiences as my first source of education because for me sometimes when someone gives their advices we will take for granted till we come to the certain situation when we realize that the advices that they gave are true and useful actually. So, from that we will take as a lesson in the future. Therefore, form the situation it proves that sometimes our own experiences are the main sources of education in our life.

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