Sunday, July 13, 2008

Position Paper?? Research Paper?? What’s that??

Thursday, 10th July 2008 – today is our first class with Dr. Edwin for this semester. As usual, first class we will be introduced and explained by the lecturer about the course that we are going to learn throughout this semester.

Oh My God! After he explained about all the assignments that we are going to submit during this course, I felt like want to faint! All the assignments are really tough!!. We have to do two projects papers! One is Position Paper and another is a Research Paper. The worst thing is we have to do individually!! Huhu..

As for today, Dr. Edwin explained briefly first about the Position Paper. For the position Paper, we have to develop a thesis statement and find various points to support our stand. Thesis Statement?? Huh.. It sounds so scary and definitely difficult! I keep wondering how to make a good thesis statement so that I can find many strong points as I could to make a good Position Paper. I’m so worried about that.

Next, he explained about the Research paper. Another disaster for me..huhu. This paper is more though than the first one. For this project, my class had been divided into 8 groups. Each group will has a supervisor. As for me, my supervisor is Pn. Juridah Rashid. Ermmm..nothing I can say about her. I hope I can meet her always to discuss my project paper.

However, I felt quite ease when Dr. Edwin kindly wants to give an A’s Position Paper from our senior. At least, I hope from my senior’s paper I can get general idea about that. One more thing, I hope with the help of the tutor that I’m going to meet during the tutorial class will improve my understanding on the assignments.

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