Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Devil’s Dictionary..

When Dr Edwin introduced us with the devil’s dictionary, I was so surprised. I never expected there is such thing in this world that we called devil’s dictionary..
Usually the interpretation of the words will be look or analyze from different perspective and differ from others perceives the word but still make sense. Again, it is a creative piece of writing. When I read some of the words that had been interpret by some of the authors, what I concluded from their written is there are very significant to mankind.

The Implementation of using Limerick in ESL classroom..

When I went home and read again on the activity on Limerick that we had done, made me think why not I applied the lesson in my class perhaps during my teaching practices.
Other than having fun I think when we use Limerick in the class, we can use it to teach vocabulary as well as grammar instead of having drills and drills for students to memorize certain words. Of course this will more interesting for students and will reduce students anxiety on learning vocabulary. Indirectly, it will help students to memorize better and use in their daily life.
On the other hand, I think we can use it to develop students’ creativity in class. This is because in order to complete the Limerick, students have to generate ideas. I believe that students nowadays are more creative. Thus, we can observe how far creative of our students by reading their own writing on limerick. Therefore, we can use their creativity in literature’s activities such as dramatise.

Limerick vs “Pantun”

think one of the most fun activities during our class with Dr. Edwin is when we learn about limerick. What is limerick? Limerick is a five-line poem written with one couplet and one triplet. If a couplet is a two-line poem rhymed poem, then a triplet would be a three-line rhymed poem. The rhyme pattern is a a b b a with lines 1, 2 and 5 containing 3 beats and rhyming, and lines 3 and 4 having two beats and rhyming. They often contain hyperbole, onomatopoeia, idioms, puns and other figurative devices. Some people say that the limerick was invented by soldiers returning from France to the Irish town of Limerick in the 1700’s.
For some extent, I feel that the rules in writing the limerick are just same as Malay’s heritage which is “Pantun”. In “Pantun”, it also has certain pattern to be followed. If is a “Pantun 4 Kerat” the patern is a b a b. Moreover, limerick is like a stem poem.
On that day, Dr Edwin asked us to create a limerick and presented it as a group. There are two types of limerick which is template A and Template B. These are the templates that we had to complete them. My group had decided to present our limerick using the template A.

Template A

There once was a _________________ from _______________.
All the while s/he hoped _______________________________.
So s/he _____________________________________________.
And _______________________________________________.
That _________________________from _________________.

Template B

I once met a ___________ from ______________________.
Every day s/he ____________________________________.
But whenever s/he _________________________________.
The _____________________________________________.
That strange ____________________from______________.

Below is my group’s discussion on limerick.

There once was a lecturer from Serdang.
All the while she hoped she was in Pulau Redang.
So she went there.
And had an affair.
That stern lecturer from Serdang.

I enjoyed the activity because of course we are doing something different on that day not as usual where we are restricted to analyze and reading a text. Some more I am happy when reading some of the limericks that my course mates presented because some of them were funny. Overall, I hoped that in the future there will be more such an activity like this because instead of having fun in the class indirectly it will develop students’ creativity. Hehe…

An Inspiring Speech

Last week, on 9th October 2008, during the class, we had discussed on speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. The speech is entitled “I Have a Dream”. It was delivered on the steps at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C on August 28, 1963. The speech was actually about to banish discrimination among Negro.
If we noticed from his speech, he used a lot of binary words. This gave the speech so meaningful. In order if we want to look closely his speech, we have to enable his choices of words. I admit that his speech was so unique because the element of binary words that he used in his speech. However, in the beginning of the lesson, when Dr. Edwin told us the way he delivered the speech during that time was so inspiring people. I wondering what made he said so..His words when describing regarding the way Martin Luther delivered his speech made me excited want to watch the video on his speech.
Luckily, even though at first we had problem to download the video but then one of my course mate, Irawaty had able to download it. Wow, that is the first word came out from my mouth when I watched the video. I agreed with Dr. Edwin the speech was so inspiring. I amazed with crowd. Every place and road was full with people. This proves that Martin Luther King can inspire people with his words. Sadly, I knew from the internet that he died because assassinated.

Why research paper??

Early in the beginning of the semester, when Dr. Edwin assigned us to a research paper, I felt so surprised. I felt that the assignment was so tough..
However, when I think about it again especially during I’m doing my paper, I realized he has he own purpose. One reason that I can think is probably he want expose us and gave us opportunity to practice on that so that if some of us want to further studies in Master or PHD, they do not have so much problem when they are require to a research or perhaps a thesis because Dr. Edwin has taught us on how to do it. At that time, I’m sure we will gratefully thank to him..hehe.

I’m stuck…

On 8th October 2008, was the second time I met my supervisor…this time around I met her because I want to discuss about my topic. I planned I want to change my topic. The reason I want to change my topic because during the holiday, I tried to start doing my paper but in the middle I’m stuck…I felt that if I analyze based on the conflict that each of the main character of the stories faced it will more easy for me to generate ideas. Besides, I can get more points to elaborate because I can discuss the internal and the external conflict of each character..
I’m so lucky because Pn Ju gave approved my new topic. Furthermore, she gave me some ideas on how I can explain further my research..
I just have a few days before I have to submit my first draft of my research paper to her..Again, time is precious but I do not feel stressed because actually I had started half way of my paper based on my new topic. So, I have just to continue on that..

Time is precious…

I just submitted my 1st draft of research paper to my supervisor, Pn Juridah Rashid. I just had an opportunity to meet her in week 8th because she was too busy with her theatre’s class.
After taking so long time to think about the topic that I’m going to analyze, finally I came out with an idea. I’m going to analyze the issue of dilemma in three short stories namely Paul’s Case by Willa Cather, Boys and Girls by Alice Munro and Hills like White Elephant by Ernest Hemingway.
The reason I chose those short stories because I felt that I comfortable with the stories and I think I can have many points to elaborate based on the stories. I hope my supervisor will accept my outline so that I can find sources and start doing because I’m afraid I don’t have enough time to do it…

Monday, October 13, 2008

8 minutes presentation…

Finally on 27th August 2008, I had chance to present my position paper..I just volunteer myself to present because I do not want to wait anymore. I felt very relieved and happy after the presentation although I do not know how many marks I got formy presentation..
Of course I felt nervous during the presentation. Probably I felt nervous because I knew I will evaluate on that day and I worried if the way I presented on that day do not fulfill the criteria of the marks and more important I presented in front of the person that I not so close enough which is Mr Omid.
Overall, I presented quite okay on that day and I satisfied with my own presentation…’s over!!hehe.

Me and Poetry…

On the 21st August ago, we don’t have clad with Dr. Edwin. However, he had invited a guest to give her speech on her experienced in Poetry. She is a poet and a half Canadian half Jamaican. But I cannot remember her name..huhu.
She really made me a little bit fallen loves in Poetry even though before this I admit compare to novel, short stories, drama and play that I learnt in literature I do not have passion in poetry at all. However, the way she managed the activities on that day had open my eyes to see poetry in different perspective.
The three questions (“What do we know?”, “What do we think we know?” and “What do we want to know?”) are helping us to think more in depth than just analyzing the surface of the poem. She is giving us a poem entitled “Lulu” by Charles Causley and at first we were required to read aloud the poem, read it silently and then read it aloud again.
Then, it comes to the challenging part of the activities but still interesting to me. We are asked to write the poem from the perspective of Lulu, Mother or the narrator by our own or perhaps later on we can combine the ides with our ten group members. After that we had to point a person from our group to present and recite the poem.
Seriously I would like to thank Dr Edwin because brings such an inspiring person like her to give a speech. She had made me think again my perception towards poetry…