Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I’m stuck…

On 8th October 2008, was the second time I met my supervisor…this time around I met her because I want to discuss about my topic. I planned I want to change my topic. The reason I want to change my topic because during the holiday, I tried to start doing my paper but in the middle I’m stuck…I felt that if I analyze based on the conflict that each of the main character of the stories faced it will more easy for me to generate ideas. Besides, I can get more points to elaborate because I can discuss the internal and the external conflict of each character..
I’m so lucky because Pn Ju gave approved my new topic. Furthermore, she gave me some ideas on how I can explain further my research..
I just have a few days before I have to submit my first draft of my research paper to her..Again, time is precious but I do not feel stressed because actually I had started half way of my paper based on my new topic. So, I have just to continue on that..

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